Co-simulation is coupling two or more distinct solvers together that normally run independently to solve a problem. For example, Abaqus may be doing some structural analysis, and pass off CFD analysis to XFlow or even STAR-CCM+, all in a single job to solve Fluid-Structure (FSI) problems.
Setting up these types of Co-simulation jobs on High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters and cloud can be challenging for engineers, with many complex steps. TotalCAE eliminate this challenge with our push button simplicity for setting up Co-simulation jobs.
For example, to setup a STAR-CCM+ and Abaqus Co-Simulation job on TotalCAE HPC, simply
- Select the versions of each solver, upload their respective model.
- Choose the cores per each solver, and push the Submit button
In less than 10 seconds, you submit these types of Co-simulation jobs without any scripting or IT knowledge.

TotalCAE has full support for many Co-simulation and coupling scenarios. Reach out to us on how we can help you simplify Co-simulation with High Performance Computing on TotalCAE HPC clusters and cloud.